Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The past is a wilderness of horrors...

The new trailer for 2010's The Wolfman. You may consider me officially excited now.


J. Astro said...

A lot of people I know have ragged on this for its use of CGI and etc, but I am still looking forward to this excitedly, like you, bro. It looks fuckin' boss.

senski said...

J, the CGI looks really well-integrated to me. I'd like to think that, if Hammer could produce movies today, they'd look something like this.

Wings1295 said...

Looks good. With all the crappy monster movies coming out, it is good to see one that looks well-made. The plot will have to be wait and see, but so far, so good!

Jeff Allard said...

Yeah, I'm really stoked for this. I've read a lot of complaints about the CGI but really, it looks pretty good to me. While I'd like to see some old-school FX work, it looks like there's going to be a lot to appreciate here.

I Like Horror Movies said...

The last trailer really destroyed any hope I had for the movie, so I refuse to read or watch anything more on it until release. Just cant take the heartbreak if it turns out to be terrible.