And there, on the list...Heart in a Jar.
Folks, I've got beers in my refrigerator that are older than this blog's been on the Interweb, and I find myself in the company of sites that have been doing this here thing for years, so to be included is, to say the least, very humbling. That it comes at (what I hope is) the end of a self-imposed hiatus of sorts because of family issues makes it feel somewhat undeserved, but I accept it in the spirit that it is offered, I give heartfelt thanks to the person or persons who nominated me, and I place the link to vote over yonder there to the right. I'm not gonna canvas for votes, but I throw myself upon your good judgment, gentle Jarhead. And in addition to the guys at PoT, let me also offer congrats to all the nominees, and especially my friends at Billy Loves Stu, Chuck Norris Ate My Baby, Dinner With Max Jenke, Frankensteinia, Freddy in Space, I Like Horror Movies, and Kindertrauma. You are all gentlemen, scholars, and scary as hell.
Here's to Horror!
DUDE, Zach S. just gave me a heads up that I was on there too, how crazy is that? A big congrats Sen, this is a huge honor to each of us that have been mentioned for consideration and if I could be represented along side any other Horror bloggers, I am happy to be up there with you, Matt, Jeff, William, and so many other friends! Good luck my friend!!
Congrats Senski! I don't think we have a snow balls chance in Hades of winning but its still pretty damn cool to have been nominated.
Keep up the amazing work.
Drink that beer in your fridge! You deserve it!
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