O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, your boughs are green and bloody...
Before you head out to get that Christmas tree, you may want to consider going artificial after you see Treevenge, a short film from Canadian director Jason Eisener that picked up an award at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year, as well as a number of other citations from fantasy film fests across the nation. It's been bouncing around the Interweb since the summer, but now is truly the time to give it an airing.
I submit this for those of you who think The Jar's taste in horror to be a little on the mild side; you would do well to remember that I adore all Canuck horror, the more twisted and demented, the better.
It is, without any equivocation, NSFW, and parents may want to think twice before watching the second part. I, on the other hand, am quite childless, and so I say...roll it!
1. I love the inclusion of the Cannibal Holocaust soundtrack 2. This is absolutely brilliant
1. I love the inclusion of the Cannibal Holocaust soundtrack 2. This is absolutely brilliant
I have been saving this one until I can get the wife to sit down with me, I have heard nothing but amazing reviews about it, thanks for reposting Sen!
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