"Holland...where is the baby?"
If you grew up during the early 70s, that whispered query can still raise gooseflesh, and much of the reason it can is that it was voiced by the talented young actor Chris Udvarnoky. Together with his twin brother Marty, they took on the roles of Niles and Holland Perry, brothers who were joined at the soul but separated by the grave, brought to life in Thomas Tryon's novel The Other and brought to the screen by director Richard Mulligan in a deceptively pastoral 1972 film. If you think that horror can only take place within the dark of night, this atmospheric and unsettling work will prove you wrong, its Andrew Wyeth color palette stands in stark contrast to the evil and dread that eventually consume the Perry family. And the answer to the above question requires the strongest of hearts to absorb. It haunts.
And perhaps the role haunted Udvarnoky as well, as The Other was his solitary film credit. The history of cinema is lousy with precocious, over-coached performances from child actors, their parts sounding jarringly adult because no one working on the film had the slightest idea of how kids really talk. But Udvarnoky's Niles feels genuinely ten years of age, able to whip up mischief in a moment's notice, while also possessed of a developing ethos that makes him feel guilt and shame. But after all, it's not Niles who is responsible -- it's Holland, right? Holland, who no longer walks the earth, but rather occupies six feet of it. It's a difficult part to pull off, and Udvarnoky is unforgettable. (He was also fortunate enough to have a frequent screen partner in the tremendous Uta Hagen, and the consummate acting teacher certainly must have offered him some pointers. However, it's a double-edged sword; he subsequently has to act opposite her, but instead of being intimidated, he enters into the spirit of every scene with the commitment and focus that only a child can know while playing "pretend.")
Word comes today that Chris Udvarnoky passed away in New Jersey on Monday of this week at the age of only 49. He had achieved success as an x-ray technician and an EMT. His were hands that saved lives, and while we might wonder what other accomplishments we were denied in cinema, there are surely others who owe their time upon earth to his ministrations. Reference to his appearance in The Other was missing from his official obituary, but in an eerie coincidence, it aired in the wee hours of this very morning on TCM. I'd like to take that as confirmation that somewhere his soul is soaring, like on the wings of a great black bird.
Somewhere, I hope Niles Perry is once again playing The Game.
How sad, so young really. I only watched this film earlier this month, and I was struck too by how good he was. Just natural.
And also very coincidental that the film just aired on TCM. Lots of little coincidences there.
my fav movie since i was 8
God bless him. Rest in peace.
may he rest in peace, wow this is unsettling for me, just loved that film.
I'm watching the movie right now and was wondering what the two of them have been doing. Sad to hear of his passing.
Re: Marty Udvarnoky from "The Other" --
Apparently the bad twin really was bad after all.
I feel sorry for his family.
Look around Google. You'll find more info...
Having read the book over & over before I caught the movie on TV, I was astonished at the Udvarnocky twins' abilities to bring Niles and Holland alive on screen. Right down to the grey eyes. I wish Thomas Tryon had not been so disappointed in the transition from his book to the screen. I found it astounding.
Having read the book over & over before I caught the movie on TV, I was astonished at the Udvarnocky twins' abilities to bring Niles and Holland alive on screen. Right down to the grey eyes. I wish Thomas Tryon had not been so disappointed in the transition from his book to the screen. I found it astounding.
Great movie I will never forget. Udvarnoky twins performance is absolutely great. The history also is terrific!... 10 out of 10
This is Martin Udvarnoky commenting. Thank you all for your incredible, heartwarming remarks! It’ll be 8 years, in a few weeks, since his death, and he is still missed on a daily basis. Me and my family live in Arizona and I recently retired as a Massage Therapist after 20 years and still working in other fields until I can actually retire. God bless you all for your interest in The Other, an opportunity of a lifetime for Chris and me.
Fascinating movie, I saw tonight for the first time. Truly well acted and believable.
I'm watching this now on Shudder, I don't think I've seen it sinceit first came out in the 70s,at the Drive In. So sorry to hear about his passing. It states the twins were born in May 23rd, 1961,I was born May 22nd 1961.
I worked with him briefly at Children's Specialized Hospital in Mountainside, NJ. RIP.
Hi, Martin! Did you and Chris live in Westfield, NJ for a short time? On Lenox Avenue? I grew up in 414 Lenox, and I remember two twin boys living next to our house who starred in a scary movie. Anyway, hope you are well! I’m also living here in Arizona...in Glendale, AZ. I’m an elementary music teacher and professional pianist. Here’s my cell: 602-524-4448....if you want to connect with a Jersey girl fan. Peace and be well! Mia
The Other is on tv right now and my memory of working with you, Martin, came spilling back. I was a receptionist at a spa in Livingston NJ when you came to work there as a massage therapist many years ago. I’m so sorry to read about your brother. I had also caught the movie in the wee hours of the morning in the year 2003 while up all night with my newborn twin baby boys. They are 17 now! I hope my message finds you well wherever you are xo
Just finished watching this amazing movie,I even recorded it,so I can watch it again with my daughter..Am soo sorry to know that Chris had passed away in 2010,he was born same year of my husband.They where both awesome actors.I would love to read the book too.
I read this book when I was young and enjoyed it very much. Never saw the movie until recently. I was also born on May 22nd, but in 1963.
The book is good also. It gives more insight into what the characters are thinking.
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